Admission started for 2021-22

Application for teachers In Sandepani School is open for both scientific and social science disciplines.

Applicants are requested to go through the below mentioned disciplinary roadmap to understand our requirements of Educational qualifications, classroom approaches and Comprehensive development plan for the institution's educational approaches.

Salary: 30000 Rs per month. Salary is negotiable for candidates with doctoral degrees, research involvement and vision for the Educational roadmaps as demanded in the following document. Kindly read through the whole of document carefully.

Section 1. a) Basic teaching qualification
Basic teaching qualification (B.Ed) is necessary. But this requirement can be relaxed for people who satisfy the requirements specified in section 2.

Along with Basic teaching qualification, teachers with post graduate and doctoral qualifications preferred.

b) Additional Scrutiny for candidates belonging to universities listed in Annexure 2:

Candidates who did their degree, post graduation and doctoral qualifications in the universities listed in Annexure 2 will receive due scrutiny and case by case preference with respect to their research involvements.

c) Candidates who are willing to innovate and learn more can apply with utmost confidence even if they do not have the demanded research level qualifications.

Section 2. Research Involvement:
(For the purpose of this section, research includes but not limited to doctoral thesis, post graduation dissertations, research papers, research assistance in Industry, policy research, and innovative projects submitted to the concerned universities (Not the plagiarized ones....)
a) The candidates with continuous research involvement and a deep vision for their disciplines are preferred. The Candidates should have knowledge and orientation towards the research methodologies and with a down to earth idea of how academic curriculum from lower classes (6th standard onwards) can be explored through inquisitive research methodologies and innovations.
b) Candidates for English Teacher's Post who has research and interdisciplinary exposures, either on post graduation level or doctoral level on linguistics will be given scrutiny and due importance.
For seeing a subject to subject example of research oriented learning for lower classes, refer to the Annexure I of this document.(Candidates are expected to have their own ideas and workable roadmaps on how research can be similarly integrated in the school from lower classes onwards.)

For better understanding of what we expect from candidates, please read Section 3

Section 3

- Mathematics- Candidates with research and academic exposures of their disciplines in areas of applied significance such as statistics, governance, economics , computational and machine learning is welcome. The candidate should have a similar view on how mathematics can be made an application and research based discipline for students from lower level classrooms onwards. Roadmaps should be grass-root, workable and not dead end experiments.

- English- People with exposure to literary fiction with a eye for experimental narrative models. People with reading exposure to cross linguistic translations (eg- Orhan Pamuk) and its challenges are welcome. The candidate should come up with roadmaps to show how translations as a tool can be used effectively to inculcate linguistic intelligence in children. The Candidate should have three books( of diverse literary models) with she is thorough with in terms of its narrative and linguistic models which can be used for their linguistic training in English.

- Computer science- a) Teachers with exposure and craft in design, video essaying, coding, data analysis. And interest to explore the application, design and development of computational technologies in areas of healthcare, neuroscience, Architecture etc. This helps in promoting a connected learning of other disciplines. All expert assistance needed for building a workable inquisitive roadmap suited for children can be mobilized for a great vision.

b) Video essaying as a means of learning and expressing worldview and ideas- See the videos of Vox to get a better understanding of how we expect video essaying and designs to made part of our academic research for children. The candidates are expected to tell us how this can be facilitated.

Suggested approaches to conceptual video essaying:
- Nerd writer
- Real engineering
- Vox

- Social Science- History, Economics and Geography.
a) The candidates should be well read and should have a deep understanding of public policy and governance and how the subjects and teaching can be structured in a way so as to bring nuanced understanding of Public Policy and governance in children. The candidates are requested to go through the curriculum of UPSC in understanding our academic expectation and its application in social science subjects in children.

b) Candidates should be well read and informed about the socio-political and economic paradigms in the emerging world. News exposure is vital. Candidates are suggested to follow

- The Hindu
- Project Syndicate
- Economic and political weekly
- The scroll
- Vox ( video platform)
- Nerd writer (Video Platform)
- Seminar Magazine

- Physics: Refer to Annexure 1
- Chemistry : Refer to Annexure 1
- Biology: Refer to Annexure 1
Candidates who are referred to Annexure 1 should come up with innovation based research models to explore their academic streams for children from 3rd standard onwards. This if accepted will be integrated into your teaching plan.


Along with teaching, another important responsibility of teachers is to be fully involved in Academic reforms committee of Sandepani in association with WHI (Women empowerment and human resource development centre of India).

Academic reforms committee is the educational reform wing of Sandepani which is supported by WHI, the parent organization of Sandepani school and affiliated to ECOSOC of UN.

As a member of Academic reforms committee, the teacher has the responsibility to:
- To prepare research centric roadmaps on various areas of academic curriculum.
- To enable children to bring their own innovation through research.
- Exposures to various databases, competitions, research grants, seminars etc which the children with the specific interests and research orientation can utilize.
- Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of their research initiatives and their interest areas and linkages with skill opportunities outside School.
- Carefully documenting the experiments and its improvements over the time for future students.

Bhagya, a member of Sandepani School's Academic reforms committee is known among the scientific circles for her contribution in finding 2 species of algae which was previously unknown to us. Her research is in the area of finding out unique bimolecular characteristics of these organisms and finding out their industrial application which offers solutions to modern day problems. Two unique properties of these microorganisms have been found to have environmentally sustainable application in areas of cosmetics, food security and healthcare.

However, many researchers including Bhagya is of the opinion that the act of going to a ecologically diverse area, collecting samples, analyzing its bimolecular properties is something that can be started even from 5th standard onwards if we equip people in the areas of research methodology and consistently guide them.

As a result, we are in the process of formalizing such a roadmap where the children will be equipped to research into innovative application of biological properties of microorganisms. The learning sequence and structure will have to be altered in this manner for almost everything in the text book.

The Academic reforms committee is undertaking a similar task that applies to the whole of syllabus which will be a game changer for education of children for the coming ages.

List of Institutions which will receive particular scrutiny over research involvement during Interview.

1) Tata Institute of Social Science
2) Azim Premji University
3) Lady Shri Ram College (LSR) for Women, New Delhi
4) Loyola College, Chennai
5) Christ University, Bangalore
6) St. Xaviers College, Mumbai
7) Jawaharlal Nehru University
8) Delhi University ( Candidates from any college of DU)
9) University of Hyderabad
10) Dept of Social Work, Pune University, Pune
11) Dept of Sociology, Mumbai University, Mumbai
12) North Eastern Social research centre
13) Stella Mary's college Chennai